Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Skin Problem

Dog Skin Problems are the most common dog health problems that irritating P10103651 225x300 Dog Skin Problems   Godfather photoand suffered most dog owners. This problems was very common compare to other dog health problems such as Dog Skin Problems that happen on dog. Generally dog skin and coat problems will review of act as an indicator about how healthy your dog would be neglecting other possible disease or infections.
Before We Start Our Problems And Questions About Skin Problems, how about read a brief of introduction below about this Dog Health Blog :
For a first time visitor to my blog you are welcome here. This Dog health Questions Blog is generally focus on 4 point of dog health issue. First is what we will discuss right now which is Dog Skin Problems, second major point it would be Dog Health Problems where will answered you all the questions or any such information about dog health problems. 3rd it would Dog Health Care which is will covered about how and what you can do to make your dog much healthier.

Revision English Essay Writting

Students sometimes have problems in deciding which universities they want to apply to. Suggest 3 factors students should consider when appliying to universities. You may include some of the following aspects courses offered and facilities. Write at least 350 words 
Anorexia nervosa (say "an-uh-RECK-see-uh nur-VOH-suh") is a type of eating disorder. People who have anorexia have an intense fear of gaining weight. They severely limit the amount of food they eat and can become dangerously thin.

DOCTOR recommended reading
Anorexia: The Body Neglected

WebMD Feature

Anorexia nervosa takes an enormous toll on the body. But that's not all. It has the highest death rate of any mental illness. Between 5% and 20% of people who develop the disease eventually die from it.

What happens exactly? Here's a look at what anorexia does to the human body.

The first victim of anorexia is often the bones. The disease usually develops in adolescence -- right at the time when young people are supposed to be putting down the critical bone mass that will sustain them through adulthood.

But the most life-threatening damage is usually the havoc wreaked on the heart. As the body loses muscle mass, it loses heart muscle at a preferential rate -- so the heart gets smaller and weaker. "It gets worse at increasing your circulation in response to exercise, and your pulse and your blood pressure get lower," says Mickley. "The cardiac tolls are acute and significant, and set in quickly." Heart damage, which ultimately killed singer Karen Carpenter, is the most common reason for hospitalization in most people with anorexia.

Read more about complications of anorexia
Related to Anorexia

* anorexia symptoms,
* anorexia treatment,
* eating disorders in teens,
* bulimia,
* binge eating disorder,
* female athlete triad,
* anorexia complications,
* antidepressants,
* body image,
* missed periods,
* osteoporosis

Anorexia affects both the body and the mind. It may start as dieting, but it gets out of control. You think about food, dieting, and weight all the time. You have a distorted body image. Other people say you are too thin, but when you look in the mirror, you see a fat person.

Anorexia usually starts in the teen years. Early treatment can be very effective. But if not treated early, anorexia can become a lifelong problem. Untreated anorexia can lead to starvation and serious health problems, such as bone thinning (osteoporosis), kidney damage, and heart problems. Some people die from these problems.

If you or someone you know has anorexia, get help right away. The longer this problem goes on, the harder it is to overcome. With treatment, a person with anorexia can feel better and stay at a healthy weight.
What causes anorexia?

Eating disorders are complex, and experts don't really know what causes them. But they may be due to a mix of family history, social factors, and personality traits. You may be more likely to have anorexia if:

* Other people in your family have an eating disorder, such as anorexia or bulimia nervosa.
* You have a job or do a sport that stresses body size, such as ballet, modeling, or gymnastics.
* You are the type of person who tries to be perfect all the time, never feels good enough, or worries a lot.
* You are dealing with stressful life events, such as divorce, moving to a new town or school, or losing a loved one.

Anorexia affects less than 1% of the population. It is most common in:

* Teens. Like other eating disorders, anorexia usually starts in the teen years with strict dieting and rapid weight loss. But it can start even earlier or in adulthood.
* Women. About 9 out of 10 people with anorexia are female. But some boys and men have it too.1

Many people who have anorexia are white and come from wealthy families. But it can happen to anyone.
What are the symptoms?

People who have anorexia often strongly deny that they have a problem. They do not see or believe that they do. It is usually up to their loved ones to get help for them. If you are worried about someone, you can look for certain signs.

Obesity Therapy

  Overeating is the main cause of obesity. When the consumption intake does not match physical expenditure in a single day, obesity begins. The extra fat gained by the negative subtraction of the tow factors mentioned above allows pockets of fat deposits accumulate within the human body. A man or a woman of such a high-consumption nature falls prey to extra fat, bypassing the normal metabolic conditions of a human being.
The extra energy produces fat which is reserved into tissues. This imbalance in energy conservation leads to overweight over a period of time.
Eating disorders, unscheduled timing of meals and a wide time gap between eating all increase the chance of being an obese.
Besides overeating there are other reasons for getting weight. Some genetic disorders, carried by generations lead to overweight. In these cases people are helpless as they are biologically destined to have super weight. According to a study conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO), the people of Indian sub-continent are more prone to diabetes which presupposes an over weight condition.
Some illness like hypothyroidism leads to obesity. Here too things are not in the hands of the suffering people.
Gender plays an important part to play in causing obesity. On an average, a man has more muscles than a woman. Since muscles consume more calories than other forms of tissues, a man uses more calories than a woman even when he is not doing anything.
It proves that women are more vulnerable to obesity than men with same food intake.
Age is also a vital factor. Older people lose more muscles and thereby they tend to get fatter than the youth. Elderly people thus become obese more than the young generation.
During pregnancy, women get extra weight. This weight gain may lead to obesity. This can compound with each pregnancy.
Medication and Drugs
Certain medications also lead to overweight. For example taking too many pain killers, sedatives, anti-depressants and typical antipsychotics cause extra fat to build in an individual.
People should be very cautious in consuming such drugs. The less you take the better. Over consumption of alcohols also causes extra fat cells to develop.
Lack of Exercise
Sedentary lifestyle lacking in the realm of manual labor in the day’s schedule also leads to obesity. Those who do not spend a few hours engrossed in manual works give way to becoming heavy weight. Lack of physical exercise also leads to the miserable fall out becoming heavyweight.
Wrong Diet
A high glycemic diet, for example, a diet that consists of meals having high postpandial blood sugar causes a person to become obese. Heavy consumption of sugary food raises blood sugar level which in its turn makes one overweight.
A repeated attempt to lose weight by dieting is also risky. Eminent pop singer Carpenter died by practicing over dieting.
Higi level of stress are capable of leading to obesity. In this world of competition, it is hard not to become anxious, but too much of it is dangerous. Some people overeat because of depression, hopelessness, anger and boredom, it is not true that obese have more emotional problems. What we want to say is that emotions force people to take a particular eating habit that may not be healthy.
Insufficient Sleep
Insufficient sleep may also lead to danger. One should remember that sleep is a food for the body. Denial of this vital food necessarily leads to complications.
Smoking is also extremely bad for a person’s  health. It leads to many serious medical complications. But sudden cessation of smoking may also lead to danger. If a person makes the healthy decision to quit smoking they should talk to their doctor about their quitting options.
Ethnic Group
Ethnic diversity plays a part in the growing epidemic of obese people among certain cultural populations worldwide. It is proven that some ethnic groups are more vulnerable to becoming obese than others. It depends on the food habit of the ethnic group in question.
People having large adipose reserves are more likely to survive food shortages or famines. On the other hand, these people are in a disadvantageous position in a society where food supplies are plentiful.

i do not want to go to bed

I Do Not Want to Go to Bed
I do not want to go to bed.
I like to stay up late.
I'm bouncing off the bedroom walls
and, frankly, feeling great!

I'm dancing like a maniac
instead of counting sheep.
My mom says, "Time for bed."
My dad yells, "Get your butt to sleep!"

I'm not sure what my bottom
has to do with anything,
but that's okay because I'd rather
jump around and sing.

I don't know what it was
that made me feel so wide awake.
Could it have been the Red Bull
and the double-chocolate cake?

I wonder if the seven cups
of coffee plus desert
of Hershey bars and Skittles
are what left me this alert?

Whatever it turns out to be
that made me feel this right,
I hope I track it down
so I can stay up every... ZZZzzzzz

i have to write a poem

I Have to Write a Poem
I have to write a poem
but I really don't know how.
So maybe I'll just make a rhyme
with something dumb, like "cow."

Okay, I'll write about a cow,
but that's so commonplace.
I think I'll have to make her be...
a cow from outer space!

My cow will need a helmet
and a space suit and a ship.
Of course, she'll keep a blaster
in the holster on her hip.

She'll hurtle through the galaxy
on meteoric flights
to battle monkey aliens
in huge karate fights.

She'll duel with laser sabers
while avoiding lava spray
to vanquish evil emperors
and always save the day.

I hope the teacher likes my tale,
"Amazing Astro Cow."
Yes, that's the poem I will write
as soon as I learn how.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

depression is common

Lately Lindsay hasn't felt like herself. Her friends have noticed it, too. Kia was surprised when Lindsay turned down her invitation to go to the mall last Saturday. There was really no reason not to go, but Lindsay just didn't feel like it. Instead, she spent most of Saturday sleeping.
Staying in more than usual isn't the only change in Lindsay. She's always been a really good student. But over the past couple of months her grades have fallen and she has trouble concentrating. She forgot to turn in a paper that was due and is having a hard time getting motivated to study for her finals.
Lindsay feels tired all the time but has difficulty falling asleep. She's gained weight too. When her mother asks her what's wrong, Lindsay just feels like crying. But she doesn't know why. Nothing particularly bad has happened. Yet Lindsay feels sad all the time and can't shake it.
Lindsay may not realize it yet, but she is depressed.
Depression is very common and affects as many as 1 in 8 people in their teen years. Depression affects people of every color, race, economic status, or age; however, it does seem to affect more girls than guys.

How Do People Respond to Someone Who's Depressed?

Sometimes friends or family members recognize that someone is depressed. They may respond with love, kindness, or support, hoping that the sadness will soon pass. They may offer to listen if the person wants to talk. If the depressed feeling doesn't pass with a little time, friends or loved ones may encourage the person to get help from a doctor, therapist, or counselor.
But not everyone recognizes depression when it happens to someone they know.
Some people don't really understand about depression. For example, they may react to a depressed person's low energy with criticism, yelling at the person for acting lazy or not trying harder. Some people mistakenly believe that depression is just an attitude or a mood that a person can shake off. It's not that easy.
Sometimes even people who are depressed don't take their condition seriously enough. Some people feel that they are weak in some way because they are depressed. This is wrong — and it can even be harmful if it causes people to hide their depression and avoid getting help.
Occasionally, when depression causes physical symptoms (things like headaches or other stress-related problems), a person may see a doctor. Once in a while, even a well-meaning doctor may not realize a person is depressed, and just treat the physical symptoms

Why Do People Get Depressed?

There is no single cause for depression. Many factors play a role including genetics, environment, life events, medical conditions, and the way people react to things that happen in their lives.


Research shows that depression runs in families and that some people inherit genes that make it more likely for them to get depressed. Not everyone who has the genetic makeup for depression gets depressed, though. And many people who have no family history of depression have the condition. So although genes are one factor, they aren't the single cause of depression.

Life Events

The death of a family member, friend, or pet can go beyond normal grief and sometimes lead to depression. Other difficult life events, such as when parents divorce, separate, or remarry, can trigger depression. Even events like moving or changing schools can be emotionally challenging enough that a person becomes depressed.

Family and Social Environment

For some teens, a negative, stressful, or unhappy family atmosphere can affect their self-esteem and lead to depression. This can also include high-stress living situations such as poverty; homelessness; and violence in the family, relationships, or community.
Substance use and abuse also can cause chemical changes in the brain that affect mood — alcohol and some drugs are known to have depressant effects. The negative social and personal consequences of substance abuse also can lead to severe unhappiness and depression.

Medical Conditions

Certain medical conditions can affect hormone balance and therefore have an effect on mood. Some conditions, such as hypothyroidism, are known to cause a depressed mood in some people. When these medical conditions are diagnosed and treated by a doctor, the depression usually disappears.  
For some teens, undiagnosed learning disabilities might block school success, hormonal changes might affect mood, or physical illness might present challenges or setbacks.

What Happens in the Brain When Someone Is Depressed?

Depression involves the brain's delicate chemistry — specifically, it involves chemicals called neurotransmitters. These chemicals help send messages between nerve cells in the brain. Certain neurotransmitters regulate mood, and if they run low, people can become depressed, anxious, and stressed. Stress also can affect the balance of neurotransmitters and lead to depression.
Sometimes, a person may experience depression without being able to point to any particular sad or stressful event. People who have a genetic predisposition to depression may be more prone to the imbalance of neurotransmitter activity that is part of depression.
Medications that doctors use to treat depression work by helping to restore the proper balance of neurotransmitters.

Types of Depression

For some people, depression can be intense and occur in bouts that last for weeks at a time. For others, depression can be less severe but can linger at a low level for years.
Doctors who treat depression distinguish between these two types of depression. They call the more severe, short-lasting typemajor depression, and the longer-lasting but less severe formdysthymia (pronounced: diss-thy-me-uh).
A third form of depression that doctors may diagnose is calledadjustment disorder with depressed mood. This diagnosis refers to a depressive reaction to a specific life event (such as a death, divorce, or other loss), when adjusting to the loss takes longer than the normally expected timeframe or is more severe than expected and interferes with the person's daily activities.
Bipolar disorder (also sometimes called manic depressive illness) is another depressive condition that involves periods of major depression mixed with periods of mania. Mania is the term for abnormally high mood and extreme bursts of unusual activity or energy

Monday, August 16, 2010

English Essay Assignment

    Choosing to further studies to universities is the most crucial decision to be make. Before entering a particular university, one must consider several factors such as the courses offered, facilities, and the job opportunities available after graduating.

    Before making decision to apply which university to enter, one must do research on the courses offered by the university. It is very important to know weather the courses offered are certified by the government or not. The quality of the courses depends on which language it will be taught. Other than that, one must know the quality of the lectures teaching the particular course such as the nationality and the education level of lecturer. Therefore, determining the quality of the courses offered is the first step to make before making decision to apply for universities.
    A good quality also depends on the facilities and services offer for the students. Facilities and services will be given extra credits if include counselling  services, library, computer lab, and facilities available for the particular courses. The library must have up to date information for the students to do their reference because the library will be the place for students to refer for their studies. As for the counselling service, the counsellor must be well experienced in handling young adults because this is the time where young growing adults faces the most problems. Once again, I would like to stress that it is important that to know about the facilities and services available before entering that particular universities.
     One must consider the job opportunities available after graduating before choosing which course to take in which universities. Most universities graduates there will have a job after graduating. For example, some nursing college offers job opportunity before their students graduate. One must do research on the job markets to know the demanded job position in the society. One must opt for the university that offers the graduates. for the demanded job position by the society to secure one's future.

    To conclude all that have mentioned, one must do careful consideration, research from varies sources such as internet, leaflets, pamphlets, peers and media about the criteria of the universities available before enrolling one's self into that particular university. 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Aspirin and prevention of cancer

Daily aspirin in your 40s 'can cut risk of cancer later in life' reported The Daily Telegraph. The newspaper said that people who take the cheap painkiller for 10 years can reduce their risk of breast and bowel cancer. It said that experts say taking aspirin in your mid-40s could be the "best time to stop the disease progressing into full-blown cancer in your sixties”.
The study underlying this report is a review of what is currently known about the benefits, risks and uncertainties of taking aspirin and similar drugs. It found that although research suggests that aspirin can cut the risk of some cancers, it is not currently recommended due to the risk of side effects such as internal bleeding. This risk is compounded by the fact that common cancers tend to develop after the age of 60, when the risk of aspirin causing internal bleeding is at its highest.
The experts conclude that, “only treatment with aspirin combines the benefit of protection against cardiovascular disease with the potential to reduce the risk of some types of cancer, but that more randomised trials are essential.” This seems reasonable considering the current state of knowledge.

Sunday, August 8, 2010



( P1, L2 )

- smooth, accessible, fast,

( P2, L1 )

- criticism, large

( P2, L10 )

- own,

( P2,L11 )

- character

( P2, L12 )

- own, regardless, malicious, erroneous

( P2, L13 )

- ugly,

( P2, L14 )

- characters

( P2, L15 )

- Irresponsible

( P2, L17 )

- unidentified,

( P2,L18 )

- panic

( P3, L20 )

- protecting,

( P2, L30 )

- talent,

( P2, L31 )

- expensive

( P3, L36 )

- unsolicited,

( P5, L40 )

- rampant, violence, subject

( P5,L41 )

- explicit,

( P5, L45 )

- violent, numerous, gruesome, available

( P6, L48 )

- irresponsible, individuals

( P6, L50 )

- greater,

( P6, L51 )

- certain

NOUNS with "ED"

( P2, L7 )

- generated

( P3, L29 )

- reported, damaged,

( P4, L38 )

- prompted

( P5, L43 )

- linked,

( P5, L44 )

- influenced

( P6, L51 )

- reached

NOUNS with "S".

( P1, L2 )


( P1, L5 )

- individuals, organisations

( P1, L6 )

- students, organisations


( P2, L11 )

- minors

( P2, L12 )

- ideas,

( P2, L13 )

- today's,

( P2, L14 )

- characters, reputations, companies, nations,

( P2, L15 )

- organisations, netizens,

( P2, L16 )

- rumours,

( p2, L18 )

- computers,


( P3, L20 )

- computers, passwords,

( P3,L21 )

- netizens,

( P3, L22 )

- computers, hackers,

( P3,L23 )

- hackers,

( P3,L24 )

- files,

( P3, L28 )

- countries, producers,

(P3,L29 )

- computers,

( p3 , L30 )

- talents,

( P3,L31 )

-goverments, banks, organisations, individuals

( P3, L32 )

- risks,


( P4, L34 )

- workes, volumes,

( P4, L37 )

- managers,

( P4, L38 )

- users, accounts, addresses,

( P4, L39 )

- salespersons,


( P5, L41 )

- parents, goverments,

( P5,L42 )

- mines, adults, youngersters,

( P5, L44 )

- criminals, websites,

( P5,L45 )

- sites,

( P5,L46 )

- justifications, crimes,


( P6,L48 )

- individuals,

( p6,L50 )

- levels, goverments,

( P6,L51 )

- organisations, schools, parents, childrens


Noun-a word that refers to a person, (such as Ann or doctor), a place (such as Paris or city) or a thing, a quality or an activity (such as plant, sorrow or tennis.)


( P1, L1)

- internet, mankind

( P1 , L2 )

- legacy, communication

( P1, L3 )

-power, command, worldwide, finger tips , computer,

( P1, L4 )

-telephone, net, library,information

( P1, L5 )

-world, information, net, individuals, organisation,

( P1, L6 )

-students, multinational, organisation


( P2, L8 )

-net, generated

( P2, L9 )

-information, cyber space,

( P2,L10 )


( P2, L11)

-today, minors, up

( P2, L12)

-web page, publish, ideas

( P2, L13 )

-business, todays,dog

( P2, L14 )

-environment, characters, companies, reputation, nations,

( P2, L15 )

-stake, organisation, netizens,

( P2,L16)

-information, rumours, internet, example,

( P2,L17 )

-sources, giant, software, Japanese, Sony,

( P2, L18 )

-apple, computers,

( P2, L19 )

-computer, industry, market,


( P3, L20 )

-computers, users, passwords,

( P3, L21 )


( P3, L22 )

-computers, hackers, password

( P3,L23 )


( P3,L24 )

-pentagon, files, analyzer, broke,

( P3, L25 )

-net, information, virus,

( P3, L26 )

-damage, Chen

( P3, L27 )

-virus, computer, Taipei, Chernoby, revenge,

( P3, L28 )

-software, disaster, producers, countries, Asia

( P3, L29 )

-Middle East, Turkey, South Korea, computers, damage, reported,

( P3, L30 )

-talent, analyzer, Chen,

( p3, l31 )

-goverments, banks, organisations, individuals, operate

( P3, L32 )

-internet, risks,


( p4, l33 )

-e-mail, cyber-culture, universally, revolutionised, communication, today,

( P4, ,L34 )

-nightmare, wokers, volume, threatened, today, volumes,

( P4, L35 )

-deal, e-mail,

( P4, L36 )

-business, British,

( P4, L37 )

-information, managers, mail,

( P4, L38 )

-addresses, accounts, users, e-mail, prompted,

( P4,L39 )



( p5, L40 )


( P5, L41 )

-grave, parents, goverment, impact

( P5, L 42 )

-minds,adults, yougersters, net

( P5, L43 )

-sources, increase, world, overall,linked

( P5,L44 )

-criminals, websites, net, influenced,

( P5,l45 )

-inspiration, sites, feature,

( P5, L46 )

-mutilation, justification, commission, crimes,


( P6,L47 )

-information, misinformation, playground, highway, super, gutter,

( P6, L48 )

-irresponsible, individuals, ignore, net,

( P6,L49 )

-mankind, feature,

( P6, L50 )

-inculcate, powerful, tool, levels, goverments

( P6, L51 )

-organisation, schools, parents, childrens, equilibrium, reached,


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Are pigs stupid??

Winston Churchill said "I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals". I think he was probably right, but most people think of pigs as dirty, fat, smelly creatures, so why do pigs get such a bad press?

Unlike most large mammals pigs are found in almost all parts of the world in one form or other. Thousands of years ago in Europe pigs became one of the first domesticated animals and when people moved away to colonise other parts of the world they took pigs with them. Humans have a long and varied association with pigs so it is surprising that they are so misunderstood.

It is fairly common to hear the phrase ’sweating like a pig’ to describe a person who is perspiring profusely. However pigs do not sweat in the way that we do because they do not have sweat glands, so they need to roll in mud to cool themselves down and protect themselves from the sun. The mud also helps them to get rid of any fleas or parasites on the pigs skin because the mud cracks off as it dries, taking the parasites with it. Perhaps the need to roll in mud is why they are thought of as dirty, but pigs are actually very clean animals, they will not soil their living or eating areas unless they are forced to by the circumstances in which they are kept.

The Deadly Fangtooth »The term ‘pig’ is often used to describe a person’s thoughtless or slobbish behaviour, but pigs are not stupid. Professor Stanley Curtis of Penn State University in USA taught pigs to perform a number of tasks including jumping over dumbbells and sitting next to and fetching different objects. The pigs still remembered what they had been taught three years later. Professor Curtis also showed that pigs could learn to play video games with a joystick, he said “Pigs are able to focus with an intensity I have never seen in a chimp.”

So before you insult someone by calling them a pig keep these points in mind. Pigs are naturally lean unless they are over fed and kept in an unstimulating environment without exercise. They enjoy playing football and they like to listen to music. Pigs have complex social lives, they dream, sows sing to their young when they are nursing, they learn by watching each other and they are able to outsmart each other by changing their behaviour if one course of action is not achieving the desired result. They have a good sense of direction and they can find their way home over long distances.